All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.


August 4th, 2019 The RUN is 4 out of 4 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were Waist high to shoulder high waves on
on July 28-30th and a few sneak sets throughout the week!

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to
Need photos by 12 noon on Saturdays. 
Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

SHARKS and BEARS. We Got Got Them Both Here in NH.
Thank you to all the wonderfully talented Surf Artists from last week's 15th ANNUAL SURF ART BLOG. NEW Surfer's Paddle coming up on August 18th, 2019. Plus there's two New/Old Videos. One I edited in 2014 (of the late John JT Taylor) and one I edited yesterday.


So SHARK WEEK 2019 was hitting a little too close to home for some folks. Not me, I was always, (and I do mean always) was aware that White Sharks live out there off our beaches. And as of late, we've had more than a few confirmed sightings of the Great White monster, as well as an increase in Bear sightings. As most of you already know, Cape Cod has a pretty significant White Shark problem. With several attacks now on record, and unfortunately there was a fatal attack last summer, when a surfer was killed while surfing off of one the beaches. So yeah, it's gotten serious.

The photo above is me standing with my Shark Board that I had made in the early 90's. This particular photo was taken in 1993 when I was doing the Live Beach/surf reports on WBCN. The deck of the board is all gray. I used to joke about the board saying it would ward off any white sharks in the area. Of course I never saw a White Shark back then.

That board got a lot of second looks back in the day.

And this? This was me once again goofing around by posing in one of the JAWS inspired Great White rubber sharks. I can't remember where this was. But I know there's a few of them around. Hell I even posed with the kids when they were little groms at a local water park. So the topics of both sharks and bears are real. The price one pays for living close to the elements.

I have a true White Shark story that I'm not sure I ever shared with you all.

The summer of 2014. It was a few weeks after our local friend and surfer had passed away. Rick Savastano died in August of 2014. It's hard to believe it's been 5 years already. That was a summer to end all summers. My family lost our beloved nephew Michael Colby in June of 2014. Then we lost Ed O'Connell on July 2nd, and then we lost John "JT" Taylor on July 6th. Like I said, it was a bummer of a summer if there ever was one. But back to my story. I had been out surfing at the Wall. It was about waist to shoulder high. It was a hot August day, and the water was so warm. It had all the elements of creating a crowd. And that's exactly what it was that late morning.

It was crowded with beginners and intermediate surfers. It was too small and too crowded for the heavy locals to be out. I had caught a few fun waves when some guy dropped in on me. Suffice it to say, words were exchanged. He was completely in the wrong and like most beginners had no idea why. So rather than educate another clueless beginner, I opted to leave.

By leaving I meant I would seek surf elsewhere. I had a hunch and went with it.

The photo of me on the phone? Yeah, that's where I my hunch paid off.

There was nobody out. And I'm not gonna lie. It was half the size of the wall. But at least I'd have it to myself. And that was the charm of this potential score. There was a large woman on the beach. She was dressed in a pink sweat-suit. She was lying on a long beach chair reading a newspaper. I walked by her and she never looked up. I had every intention of greeting her with a smile and a happy "Good morning." But she was not having any of that today. I suppose in her own way she was sweating off the pounds. It was as I said earlier, very hot and humid. I can relate to her tactic because I currently do the same when I go out in the woods with my dog. I wear a full nylon jacket with long pants. I have a hood that I wear as well. My intention is to sweat off a few pounds off my large framed body each time.

So looking back at this day, perhaps she was doing the same.

Well, I paddled out and much to my surprise there were a few sets coming in out of the semi fog. They were small, maybe thigh high. It was dead low tide so I had to be careful not to hit any rocks. I rode a few waves when I looked up and saw the coolest cloud formation. I can remember distinctly speaking out loud. "Hey Rick, is this your doing?" The clouds were unlike anything I had ever seen before. They were kind of shaped like curly pasta or springs. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how or why they were formed like that. I remembered looking back at the shore to see if the "Pink"lady was seeing them. But she was still deeply involved with her newspaper.

And then when I looked back out to the horizon to see if any waves were coming, I saw it. Plain as day. About 75 yards east of where I was sitting.
A fin. A solid fin cutting through the water moving from north to south. It took me a few seconds to process what I was seeing. For the record, I have seen many sharks in my life. I've seen Basking sharks, Nurse sharks, Sand sharks, Blue sharks, and I've even had a 12' Tiger shark chase me and two friends (Lenny Nichols and Kevin Grondin) out of the water on Oahu's East Side one year (1989). I remember that like it was yesterday. But I had never seen a White Shark out in the water. That is not until now.

It seemed surreal to me. And I wasn't 100% sure of what I was looking at, even though it was right there out in front of me. Well, I snapped back to reality within a few minutes after I confirmed in my mind just what it was, that I was looking at. I looked over my shoulder to see if there was anyone on the shoreline. Nope. Just the pink Sweat-suited lady buried in her newspaper. Then I scanned the horizon to see if there were any waves coming. I had made up my mind that I needed to get out of there. And thankfully a set appeared. I paddled for the first wave and caught it. I made sure my fingers barely broke the surface as I paddled.

I rode that wave all the way into the inside. Looking back over my shoulder the whole way in. When I got inside I stopped and sat up on my board. The logical thing to do now would be the obvious. Keep paddling in. But for reasons, that to this day escape me, I turned around to see if I could see it. I couldn't see it.
Then I did something that my wife wanted to kill me over. I turned around and paddled back out. Why? I wanted to make sure I hadn't just hallucinated this whole scenario. So I got back out there, sat up on my board, and looked in every direction. My senses were on high alert. I'm not sure how much time had passed but I'm guessing it was about 15 to 20 minutes. I saw nothing.

My heart had stopped beating fast and I felt more relaxed and for a moment there, I thought that maybe, I had just imagined all of it. I looked all around. Up in the sky at the clouds (that had since vanished), back on the beach where the lady was still lying on her lounge chair. And back out in front of me. And then, as luck would have it, there it was again. It was real. A solid fin, not some flopping back and forth fin like on a basking shark. This was solid. And then I did something that surprised the hell out of myself. Instead of paddling in, and riding a wave in on my stomach, I paddled out towards that shark. I wanted to get closer. I wanted to be able to see it's white underbelly. Keep in mind, it was dead low tide out there. The depth of where I was sitting was no more than 3 to maybe 4' deep. We're talking shallow.

It's important to know that I have done things like this in my past.

I got as close as I could to a 12' long alligator once. I got about 3' feet from this large gator in the Florida Keys. I believe I've posted that pic before. (It's in the yesterday page section if you want to see that). I walked up on a large Bull Moose in Maine taking photos with my buddy Rich standing way behind me. And once in Southeast Asia while on patrol, I followed a large cobra crawling along a river bank, must to the dismay of my fellow Marines in my squad. And now here I was paddling up to a White Shark. Well, I got close enough to see the white belly and I glided to a stop. It went under and headed south. I stayed out there just sitting on my board. I was not catching any waves. I was letting it all sink in.

I've been surfing since 1964, and had never seen a White Shark before this day. To me, it felt invigorating. I wasn't scared. If anything, I felt empowered. I know it sounds ridiculous, and honestly? If anyone in my family had done such a thing, I'd be furious. As my late mother used to always say to me when I would point out the absurd things she would do "Do as I say, Not as I do."

Long story short. The shark never came back. I stayed there a long time.

Eventually a surfer paddled out. A young guy I had never met. He paddled up to me. "Hey are you Ralph from Ralph's Pic? " I looked at him and said " I am." "Oh my God I'm surfing with Ralph from Ralph's Pic!?!?" I looked over my shoulder and back at him. "Yeah lucky you, only we're not alone." His face changed and he looked at me "What do you mean?" "I mean I just saw a shark about 20 minutes ago." "A shark? What kind of a shark?" he asked. "I can't be 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure it was a White Shark." And no sooner did I say those words, when he paddled over to me and sat inches from me and my board. "Hey don't sit on me. Don't crowd me. I don't know what kind of vibe you're giving off. Get away from me." And I paddled away from him. But he followed me. "Look man, don't sit on me. That shark wanted nothing to do with me. But I don't know what his deal is with you."

He laughed nervously and then pushed himself away from me.

I hung around for another twenty minutes and surfed with him. The shark never returned. I heard later that some fishermen had spotted the same shark about a mile south of where I saw it. And the day before Dave Cropper from Cinnamon Rainbows had spotted a large seal nearby where I saw the shark.
When I left the water that day, I walked by the woman lying in the chair dressed in the pink Sweat-suit. This time she looked up at me. "What a beautiful day." I said. She looked at me and smiled "It is." I smiled back "Have a nice day."

And I walked away from one the most intense days of my life.

Sharks in the water and Bears in the woods. Only the woods on the Seacoast are not exactly Yellowstone Park. We have small sections of woods. But apparently they are big enough for Black Bears. Like this NH Bruin. This is a big bear. I would typically tell people that Black Bears are not dangerous to humans, but that's not entirely true. There have been fatalities involving Black Bears. Especially a mother bear protecting her cubs. That's a no brainer right? You all know enough to stay the hell away from Bear Cubs right?

Momma Bear will tear you a new asshole if you get close enough to her cubs. That's something I taught my own kids when they were 5 years old. If you see a bear cub stay away. Just walk away. Yeah they're cute. Not so with Momma Bear. She's anything but cute. She's dangerous. She will mess you up.

I never thought about Bears in the area like we do sharks. But this year? This year is different. For some unknown reason there have been multiple bear sightings on the seacoast. They say it's because of the many elaborate bird feeders in peoples yards across the Northeast coast. While I have never encountered a bear up close and personal (I saw one about 300 yards away one time in the woods) I have found this. What is this? This is Bear Scat.

In other words it's bear droppings. Bear crap. Or as my wife calls it, bear "poop" . It's shit. Shit from a bear. Don't know why they call it Bear Scat but I know one thing, I'm not calling it Bear Poop in front of other Outdoors-men. I don't want to have my man card revoked.

I have found many signs of Bear Scat all over the seacoast wooded areas. And some so fresh it's practically steaming. So to answer that old question of "Does a Bear Shit In The Woods? The answer is Yes. Yes they do"

Bears and Sharks. This is just one of many truths of living in Northern New England. One thing's for sure with most of us though, it sure beats the hell
out of City Living.

Please join the friends and family of Surfer Curtis T. McGadden
on Sunday August 18th, 2019 at 4:00PM to 6:00PM across from
Cinnamon Rainbows on Ocean Blvd in Hampton, NH

Thank you AGAIN to all the artists who contributed to the annual Surf Art Blog!
"Surfing, Art, and Love Heals All Wounds."







This is the summer of 2013. This is Sam and Hannah Vokey two of my favorite Surf Artists in the world. And two very good friends. I'm pretty sure they were aware of Ed snapping this pic.
Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

Now for Some Local, National and International News
This president causes more uproar on a daily basis with his nasty tweets than any of the last 20 presidents did in their entire terms. It's like he can't help himself. I can't believe that the GOP base is happy with what he does every day. There must be a growing discord among the members of the GOP who think outside of the box. Those who are all in for the party don't care, but I know there are those who really feel uncomfortable. They need to speak up. Enough is enough. These juvenile tweets must stop.

Looking at the 20 plus Democratic presidential hopefuls that are all vying to unseat this buffoon? I don't see one outside of Biden who can beat him. They need to weed out the pack and get it down to a few candidates. Then maybe we can focus on one and really have hope. Or maybe some Independent maverick will come and save the day. Right now? The future looks bleak.

And if 45 gets re-elected? Well, all bets are off. He'd be really dangerous, because he has nothing to lose. Lord Help Us All.

This PSA from Cape Cod (below) is important stuff.

CULL (KILL) THE FRICKING SEALS!! Something MUST Be Done about the Seal Population on the Cape. It's time to cull the Seals. *I came up with I think might be a good solution. Why Not get robotic ORCAS and have them putter around the beaches of the Cape? Great White Sharks are terrified of them. Hell the mechanical shark (Bruce) in JAWS terrified an entire generation. Let's try the motorized ORCA and terrorize the White Sharks!

ESM (Eastern Surf Magazine) using a READY MAG format did the Best of Ralph's Pic. And while they couldn't possibly use everything thing I've ever done, they did manage to put up some 50 pics of mine, plus two videos. And I was truly humbled by their intro. Mez said some nice things about me. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO SEE THE WHOLE Spread.

PLEASE JOIN US on Sunday August 18th, 2019
as we celebrate the Life of Surfer Curtis T. McGadden

So while I was making the GRANITE GIRLS video I came up with this project and concept. It's never been done before. As hard as that seems to be. I'm onto yet another groundbreaking Surf Movie concept. This will be an overview of Surfer dads and their sons. It's a work in progress and I'm hoping to get as many dads and their sons as possible in this movie.

It's that time of year again when we have to start thinking about our annual HIT THE BEACH. This is our 12th year and we are looking forward to this day. So mark your calendars. There will
be more on this as the summer winds down.
HIT THE BEACH XII on August 30th, 2019 from 8AM to 2PM.

The DVD's are available at all the local surf shops. Or by
sending me an email. or send a check for $20.00 made out to ADLANTIC and send it here:

c/o OC Studio Suites
703 Ocean Blvd Suite C-4
Hampton, NH 03842

Or RENT or BUY it Online. You have spoken and I have listened. You don't have a DVD player so I made it available Online. Watch it on your Smart TV, your computer, or your cellphone! I can't make this any easier my friends.


KSM Photoshop of the Week
How many of you remember when I did this KSM photoshop about 5 years ago? Well, I'm recycling it again this week. only I added some special affects (blood) in this one. I was trying to get more realistic. You know Hollywood. DAMN Khaliddy you sure put yourself in some funky situations. My guess is, if this really happened, this shark would spit his terrorist ass right out of his mouth.
Sharks know better than to eat that kind of shit.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed).

*Note to self -must pick up a case of Shark Repellent at Home Depot this week.

*Look for the full story in a few weeks. Sorry this got moved
due to the large volume of events this past week and
coming week.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY John Savastano August 1st, 2019!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY John Carden August 3rd, 2019!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tom Brady August 3rd, 2019!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Melinda Ferreira August 4th, 2019!
GET WELL SOON Jody Wiles Goucher!
GET WELL SOON Kim Grondin and Lilly too!

FYI Lenny Nichols is looking for someone or someones to take over the ESA-NNE District. Please contact Lenny Nichols by calling his cell (603) 944-2418

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week
week for the last 13 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.


I kept a daily BLOG when I surfed everyday during my
CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click On the Banner below)
Started on July 26, 2010 ENDED July 26, 2011.
A Wave a day for 365 consecutive days.
Yesterday- Jesse and Ralph. The Summer of 1980.
(Below) This was photo was taken some 39 years ago. He was learning how to surf. And he was being introduced to music at the same time. We used to drive up in my car and I would blast my demo tapes in the vehicle. We would talk about surfing and music. Last week we surfed together at this very spot. Jesse has become an incredible musician and he's a pretty damn good surfer too. You can follow his musical quest on QWILLMUSIC.COM.
Photo courtesy of RALPH

*Click on the photo above to see a larger version

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad itself. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly by clicking here. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

All PHOTOS BELOW SHOT THIS WEEK *Unless otherwise noted.  
Today- The Last Swell Of July. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH

(Above) Sunday morning summer fun. MVF at 10th Street.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Anytime you can shed the full rubber is a great day in our waters.
MVF playing in the shore-break. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Sunday morning gathering among the locals. I wish you could hear
the banter. It's priceless. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Clearly you can see that the wave size fits my criteria of waist high
or better. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


MVF gesturing at 10th Street. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Does it look warm? Sunday morning at 10th Street.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

You can't do this in certain places of Central California. Just trunks.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Sometimes the Wall breaks like a point break.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

"Hey man, you're sitting a little too close. People are gonna talk."
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Splashing around on a hot summer day. MVF.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Check the sparkle of light next to his head and shoulder.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The Wall. Sunday July 28th, 2019. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

This guy is a Worcester Firefighter who helps out at every HIT
THE BEACH. Stoked I got him on this wave. Sunday July 28th, 2019.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Same guy as above. That's a shoulder high wave right there.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

So DJ says to me "You always take a pic of me smoking."
Yeah do we correct that? Truth be told I've taken more shots and video of him surfing than I do smoking. Sunday July 28th, 2019.

Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

There's my surfing Firefighter again. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Kenny Black was out with his son this beautiful morning.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Victoria is featured in the new GRANITE GIRLS Movie

Sure was nice seeing John Brusseau and his family. It's been years.
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

This is a video frame grab from the video I shot that morning. MVF
Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


Same with this. VFG of Mackey V. Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- The Letter and Pics from 1994.
Photo by Jerry Law

This is a hand written letter that I just found at my office. It's from a surfer from Florida. I had been telling my wife that the week I surfed in late July I ran into more surfers that (I didn't know) who told me that they read my Blog every week. It's funny that I also
received this letter basically saying the same thing. I've gotten hundreds of emails over the years from readers and fans of the Blog. But it's rare to get an actual hand written letter. Thanks Jerry, I'm stoked to think that you enjoy what I do. And by all means, please send me more pics from your vault. Keep surfing! Sunday July 28th, 2019.
Letter by Jerry Law.

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Allen Bigbee walking out at the Mouth Summer of 1994.
Photo by Jerry Law
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Allen Bigbee racing along the razor edge left without a leash.
Summer of 1994.
Photo by Jerry Law
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


Surfer Crow and Allen Bigbee heading back out to catch a few.

Summer of 1994.
Photo by Jerry Law
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Crow in a very familiar stance in Maine.
Summer of 1994.
Photo by Jerry Law
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- The First Family Of Upper Central California.
July 26th
2019. Photos by EL CHAMBO

Mother rides her kneeboard well enough to make George Greenough himself take note. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

One could easily say that El Chambo and his Amigos scored
on this day. Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Look at that wave. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The son was an advanced contemporary surfer who had this spot dialed in. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on image above to see more of Donna's work

Along for the ride was a man who needs no introductions.
Sam George has mastered the SUP. Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

There's junior again backing up my claim to his talent.
Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Father takes a drop reminding the family just who planted these seeds of surfing in the first place. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Sam George coming in behind the peak. Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery



check out the amazing sounds and songs of qwill

click on these images to see and hear the man who's
music I use more than 90% of the time in my videos



And let's give it up for the daughter who can clearly hold her own. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) You know, I've been surfing since 1964 and I don't believe I have ever seen such talent all under one roof. This family? Truly a SURF FAMILY.
Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

I know lots of guys who would kill for a cutback like this. The first daughter cutting back with style and power. Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Dad paddles out while son drops into another beauty.
Friday July 26th, 2019.
Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

SURF FAMILY ROBINSON just out enjoying a day in the sun and surf. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

That's a hell of a bottom turn. Sam George using the paddle and his legs to swing that SUP around. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

I'm hoping I get waves like this when I go out there in December. Friday July 26th, 2019. Photo by EL CHAMBO
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The wonders of the ocean. Cardiff Reef magic July 24th, 2019
Photo by Craig Callender *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Maddie Ryan slamming on the brakes at the first ESA contest of the summer. July 27th, 2019
Photo by Beth Latham
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Goofyfoot contestant at the first ESA contest of the summer.
July 27th, 2019
Photo by Beth Latham
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) My buddy Wally somewhere in the South Pacific.
Photo courtesy of Scott Engle of Wallyworld
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON on each clip to view videos

One Summer Day from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

Sunday July 28th, 2019. Just a typical summer day at the Wall. The Surfer is Max Fatello. The music is by my band The NOR'EASTERS which features Mike White on bass with backing vocals, Lenny Dunn on drums, Johnny Fatello on Guitar with backing vocals, and me (Ralph Fatello) on lead vocals and guitar.

SURFING WITH SMILES 7-18-19 from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

The first SURFING WITH SMILES of the summer of 2019. The joy and happiness of this day is obvious in not only the participants, but the volunteers. Thank you Carlos Melicio for the drone footage. I dedicated this edit in Loving Memory of Curtis T. McGadden and Timothy M. Sheridan. May they both rest in ever loving peace, surfing perfect waves forever.

JT 1979-1989 RE-EDIT from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

This is a RE-EDIT of the JT edit I did in 2014. This edit is mostly JT's surfing. 
It was shot from the late 70's to the late 80's. He passed away in 2014.
In LOVING Memory of John "JT" Taylor.

SUMMERLAND from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

On July 13th and 14th, 2019 a total and complete surprise greeted the surfers of the northeast with a clean waist to chest high swell. It was really fun and really warm. And having just seen KING'S X two nights before in Hampton Beach, it was a no brainer as to what music to choose for this clip. I LOVE that band. Please go visit their website and buy some of their music and other cool merchandise.


A gritty crew of surfers from New Hampshire adventure to Iceland in search of the perfect cold water wave. This surf film is a mix of cinematic flexing from the filmmakers, funny hijinks from the crew of surfers and glorious surf smashed up against the stunning scenery of Iceland. The group surfs alongside giant icebergs, under the northern lights and checks out the world's only penis museum. Filmmakers: Surfers:


Click on the image to purchase your copy

ALL RISE: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session.

The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #534
BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK- Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the
Verdict that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the OUTCOME.

I see nothing here, but I think there's something there

I see a few stars.
This is what happens when you get caught doing something stupid.
You end up here.

August 4th, 2019
"Which way are you going? Because I think we're crossing lines here."

(Above) This is what happens on a typical summer day at the Wall.
Photo by RALPH


Click on wave to return to the top



This site and blog maintained by ADLANTIC. 2019